Managing Money, The DOW and more…
NFL players make an average of $1.9 million a year. Yet 15% of them end up declaring bankruptcy. CNBC
Some 71% of Americans express regrets about their ability to manage money. The #1 regret- not planning early enough(48%), followed by spending too much on nonessentials (39%). Market Watch, September 15, 2017
In the last 18 months, the DOW has gone from 18,000 to 23,000, which means it has moved, on average, 1,000 points every 3.6 months. CNBC, October 18, 2017
“We will not learn how to live together, in peace, by killing each other’s children.” Jimmy Carter, Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech
A private room in a nursing home now costs more than $8,000 a month, or $97,455 a year. That’s an increase of 5.5% from just one year ago and a nearly 50% increase since 2004. Forbes, September 26, 2017
Gen Xers and Millennials now make up 18% of the millionaires in the United States, but only 58% of them work with an advisor. By 2030, these two generations will surpass baby boomers in holding the most wealth in the country. Fidelity
“Life doesn’t imitate art- it imitates bad television.” Woody Allen