Talking Points: June 29, 2021
The cost of sending a 40-foot container from Shanghai to Rotterdam…
The cost of sending a 40-foot container from Shanghai to Rotterdam…
President Biden is the 5th U.S. president to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin…
From October 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021, U.S. small-cap value stocks returned 76.8%…
Tech giants Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla, and Nvidia…
The number of 401(k) and IRA millionaires hit an all-time record…
Since 1950, when the S&P 500 was up between 5% and 10% in the first quarter…
Investors have put more money into stocks in the last 5 months…
Factory activity in the U.S. hit its highest level in 37 years in March…
U.S. producers made 3.4% more cardboard in 2020 than the previous year…
Today, there are more real estate agents in the U.S. than homes for sale.
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