Talking Points: September 6, 2021
Deposits at U.S. banks are up nearly 30% since before the pandemic…
Deposits at U.S. banks are up nearly 30% since before the pandemic…
President Biden is the 5th U.S. president to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin…
American life expectancy has shown our average span either falling or stagnating for the third consecutive year.
Talking Points: World, Savings, Homes The world’s middle class now totals 3.7 billion people, or 48% of the world’s population. The Brookings Institution, July 11,
Student Loans, Gas, Strikes Black unemployment is down to 5.9%, while white unemployment is at 3.5%- the smallest gap between the two rates ever recorded.
Retail, Banks, Bitcoin The National Retail Federation said holiday sales in 2017 reached nearly $692 billion. About $90 billion, or 13%, is expected to be
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