Talking Points: January 10, 2022
As of Dec 31, the S&P was up more than 90% over the last 3 years
As of Dec 31, the S&P was up more than 90% over the last 3 years
Nearly 7% of employees in the “accommodations and food services” sector left their job in August.
The S&P 500’s forward P/E touched a high of 23.6 on August 28, 2020.
Almost 750 money-losing firms have sold shares in the secondary market in the past 12 months.
The S&P 500 has outperformed the rest of the developed world…
The total number of millionaires in the world increased by…
Since 1896, the DOW has fallen by at least 2% in a single day 1,011 times.
Wealth, Robocalls, Workforce U.S. household wealth topped $100 trillion for the first time ever. Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2018 “We cannot solve our problems
Apple, Wealth, Surplus In the latest fiscal year, Apple brought in $229 billion, more than 5 times the entire economic output of Wyoming. New York
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